Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

revised goals

alas, i forgot to mention that i am also interested in practicing conversation. sato sensei, when are you available? and every other week sounds great!! i'm available mondays and wednesday after 2:45, tuesdays after 5, thursdays, between 1-2, then after 4:30.

long term goals included - ability to engage in conversation with a native speaker, understand a few j-pop songs, and successfully differentiate between kanji and chinese traditional characters, and correctly spell katana. i have tendencies to want to use chinese pronunciation which is wrong! speaking of chinese, i also have tendencies to want to speak mandarin instead of japanese, which is indeed frustrating. ugh....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

individual goals for elementary japanese

1. study at least 1.5 hours a day
a. 15 minutes listening comprehension
b. 20 minutes grammar
c. 20 minutes vocabulary
d. 20 minutes exercises
e. 10 minutes talking to myself hahahah (repeating and making up grammar patterns)
2. review katana words for 15 minutes a day
3. check courseworks DAILY for online quizzes

i often neglect japanese because i've fulfilled my core and major requirements but this must come to an end because i've invested about $3,000 in this class and i better get my money's worth!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


so i'm sitting in the IAB lab in japanese. it's a shame that i'm two weeks behind on my entries, i've got to catch up for crying out loud. class is over AH time to meet a friend for beers!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007


はじめまして。せんしゅいのしゅうまつはたのしいです。 しゅくだいをしましたそしてともだちにあいました。
コメヂイーのえいがをみました。 "Click"のえいがはです。 コメヂイーがすきです。

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


きょうとてもいがしいです。 i'm posting this now but will post more very very sooooon!! すみません。。 :(

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

busy bee

due to a massive workload i've abandoned my poor journal...shame on me. aside from studies i'm gearing up on an independent study project.

i'll attempt to study the correlation between voter registration and the government's response to hurricane katrina; what percentage of the victims were registered voters? could this have contributed to the government's slow response?....details later. public interest rocks!