Tuesday, February 27, 2007


おはよおございます。はじめまして。なまえはスモールです。わたしはあめりかじんです。 Florida の Jacksonville からきました。わたしはこるんびあだいがくのがくせいです。せんせいです。わたしのせんこうは哲学 (Philosophy) です。どうぞよろしく。

Monday, February 12, 2007

みか なかしま。。。。

my にほんごじん friend introduced this singer to me さん years ago, and i've been smitten by her ever since. i'm unsure whether that's how you spell her name...i think かんじ is used for it and since i'm not familiar with かんじのstructure, i typed it in ひらがな instead.

my personal goal is to わかります one of her songs by the end of the semester; わたし sure do have a lot of studying to do in order to accomplish that.

きのうわたし learned a new word ”ばかね” which means 'stupid fool'. i've an older friend in atlanta georgia, and she にほんごじです and she told me to call "all jerks" ばかね。 unfortunately, i'm not the type of person to verbally insult others so i doubt i'll ever use it.



Monday, February 5, 2007


so i think i need to purchase a にほんごのじしょ. tonight i listened to lesson three vocabulary words and got completely thrown off with なんがい because the lady pronounced it "na n nai" (at least i think she did...i played it back until i got paranoid. i started to think: "hmmmm does the ん rule apply here? is she really saying 'na n gai' and i'm not hearing the 'g'? is が not the right character?" so yes that's where confusion set in and i stopped listening to her. わかりますじゃりません。

as for funkyuu...i believe that means complicated ふんきゅう

ok my web browser just shut down mid post and i typed much more than this but now i'm bummed so i better post this before i lose it. :-( don't worry i'll submit another blog later in the week.... *sigh*  :```-( (those are tears)

by the way, AI さんはどなたですか。
