Monday, February 5, 2007


so i think i need to purchase a にほんごのじしょ. tonight i listened to lesson three vocabulary words and got completely thrown off with なんがい because the lady pronounced it "na n nai" (at least i think she did...i played it back until i got paranoid. i started to think: "hmmmm does the ん rule apply here? is she really saying 'na n gai' and i'm not hearing the 'g'? is が not the right character?" so yes that's where confusion set in and i stopped listening to her. わかりますじゃりません。

as for funkyuu...i believe that means complicated ふんきゅう

ok my web browser just shut down mid post and i typed much more than this but now i'm bummed so i better post this before i lose it. :-( don't worry i'll submit another blog later in the week.... *sigh*  :```-( (those are tears)

by the way, AI さんはどなたですか。


1 comment:

satoza said...

Yes, the ん rule applies here. That "g" sounds more like "ng"

Funkyu is 紛糾... Well, ふくざつ is more common word, but I do not understand what you really want to say here using ふんきゅう、、、、Can you explain more?